Guest appearance on Aether Hour Ep. 23
Are You Noticing Yet Anon? Narrative Warfare & the True Depth of the Deception
After much talk of an overdue collaboration, I was honored to be invited by my good friends Conrad and Dmitry to be a guest on the
Aether Hour podcast where we discussed some the recently mainstreamed discourse around the Zionist narrative of the unfolding World War III.Beyond the paywall, we delve further into the history of the Kabbalistic agenda of “Tikkun Olam” from the Renaissance, Protestant Reformation and modern cosmology to its current outworking in the information war.
Find out how Rabbi Schneerson has established a worldwide network of organized Jewry through Chabad-Lubavitch and how some of the Orthodox Church elders have spoken out against this spirit of Antichrist.
“World War III will be a guerrilla information war, with no divisions between military and civilian participation.” —Marshall McLuhan
Here is a 23 minute preview of the 80 minute discussion. Become a paid subscriber to instantly unlock the full episode!
Conrad: @GnomeRad
Dmitriy: @OCanonist
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