Hello friends, in today’s special edition of the Memory Dump, I will be sharing some of the best 9/11 research I’ve come across in my 20 years of following the subject.
September 11th was what really woke me up to the world of conspiracies. I was 16 when it happened so I was old enough to be curious as to what really happened. At the time, I was being homeschooled and working part time at my father’s factory in Newark, which is where I was on 9/11. We saw the smoke billowing from the NYC skyline that day as my dad drove us home from work.
What really stood out to me was the one line the government and media kept parroting: the terrorists who did this hated us because of our freedom. No other reason was given. Everyone in the country ate up this narrative and it spread as rapidly as the “vaccines are safe and effective” line. It never resonated with my 16 year old brain, I was not able to accept that a gang of cave dwelling Arabs were seething so hard about how Americans have guns and free speech that they successfully executed the most elaborate suicide bombing in history.
I was left questioning and doubting but never got answers beyond speculation. I got bits of information from message boards and chat groups that were enough to confirm my suspicions but couldn’t piece things together. It wasn’t until 4 years later when the Loose Change documentary came out, which was the first attempt to string together a conspiracy narrative. Looking back its not even worth watching but up until then I never knew about how there was no evidence of a plane hitting the Pentagon.
It turns out, the loudest voices questioning the narrative at the time were the wives of the victims. Those were the first 9/11 conspiracy theorists. As the years would go on with questions unanswered, the 9/11 Truth Movement would unfold, with groups such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth and Scholars for 9/11 Truth.
Still to this day, WTC building 7 remains a smoking gun that can’t be explained. The complete joke that is the official 9/11 commission report addressed it briefly as collapsing due to debris from the twin towers.
Then there’s Lucky Larry Silverstein. Larry is on record saying he decided to “pull it” in regards to building 7, the property he also owned adjacent to the twin towers. It was an obvious controlled demolition. There is footage of explosions going off throughout the building and it collapsed perfectly into its own footprint like the twin towers.
Let’s take a look at just how lucky Larry was.
Acquires 99-year lease for Twin Towers just 6 weeks before 9/11.
Insures both towers for $3.2 billion against acts of terrorism and ensures he can build new WTC complex if destroyed.
Wife allegedly convinces him to attend dermatologist appointment on morning of 9/11 instead of scheduled meeting in North Tower.
Twin Towers attacked, collapsing to dust along with his other skyscraper (WTC 7), all plummeting at near free-fall speed.Files insurance claim for $7 billion, arguing attacks on Twin Towers consisted of 2 separate events thus double compensation required.
Settles for $4.5 billion compensation on Twin Towers and collects $millions in other insurance payouts.
Builds new WTC complex.
Can you imagine being so lucky?
In 2008, Ron Paul came along to challenge the establishment narrative in front of the entire country. Here he is on the debate stage vs Rudy Giuliani who was mayor of NYC during the 9/11.
For many years, any kind of 9/11 truth content has been shadowbanned from YouTube and Google. So seeing how the mainstream outlets reacted to Covid “conspiracies” was no surprise at all since they used the same playbook. I am posting the shadowbanned videos and documentaries here so you don’t have to search far and wide for them.