Memory Dump #24: Predictive Programming Edition
Weekly Digest for December 9th, Year 7532
Exclusive content from The Reversion for paid subscribers: Every week—I will share a post (like the one below) where I share a compilation of research or information I’ve logged in my memex that I post publicly. My goal is that these weekly digests can be read in three minutes or less.
One thing the government is great at is creating crises that only they can “solve”.
Predictive programming is known as a mass mind control tool to brainwash the population through entertainment into being more receptive of future crises.
According to a researcher at Ohio University:
“Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.”
This has even become a more mainstream conspiracy theory recognized by normies on a surface level with The Simpsons, although they don’t go beyond “woah thats kinda crazy bro”.
Michael A. Hoffman II, a figure I reference in this publication often, wrote in his book Apocalypse Culture that predictive programming “alludes to the process wherein murderous deeds and hair-raising conspiracies involving wars, revolutions, decapitations and every manner of horror-show are first buried beneath a cloak of secrecy and Harpocrates’ hushed- finger, and then, when finally accomplished and secured, slowly revealed to the un- suspecting populace who watch in deep-frozen apathy as the hidden history is unveiled.”
Let’s go beyond the normie Simpsons examples and dive deeper.