Good to have this! I'd add a note or two. Elsewhere, St. Gabriel also says that Georgia will have to go through difficulties before its rebirth. I live in Georgia now and I see the "flipside" everyday...the younger generation (and many of the older, too) is largely nominal, materialistic, and naively trusting of the West. The government is not free to act of its own will. There is holiness here, but there will need to be big changes before (and if, because prophecies are predicated on our repentance or lack there of) Georgia can be a bastion and refuge.

I'm not saying this to be self-righteous or negative, but because I've gone through my own starry-eyed phase of thinking Georgia would be all that here and now...and getting burned out upon seeing it otherwise. I would want to caution any of my brothers and sisters against naively hoping to "escape" here. Georgia may be spared in the day of anti-Christ's reign, but it won't be spared the sufferings leading to that time....not unless a real miracle happens. Let us all struggle wherever we find ourselves!

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Yes I don't think Elder Gabriel meant that it would be free from persecution, just that it would be less influenced by the reign of the Antichrist. Great insights though. Thank you brother, God be with you.

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Amazing insight, but I think most Christians missed identifying first seal of Revelation in 2020.

Not even both so called "world wars" affected every single country on Earth...but 2020-2020 did.

The "bow" was the vaccine (Gr. "Toxon"), the toxin spread to almost every single nation on Earth. How could it have NOT been the first seal? What was the last event that affected the entire civilized word? The great flood of 2239 B.C. maybe?

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See you all in Savannah!

Seriously though, what a great and hopeful word.

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Haha! He's referring to Georgia the country, a little further from home but also a lot more Christian!

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Yeah Georgia is really country but I can learn to like it, at least the ladies there always call me honey

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