Uninstalled Twitter from my phone years ago. Still have trouble with it's addictive tendencies on my desktop, so I blocked it there too, and only use it at work. I can't imagine having actual engagement on the platform lol great article!

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Well done, it’s certainly best to simply log off and abstain. But it’s also easier said than done, so I thought I’d take a more practical approach for now. Thanks for reading!

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Really interesting and practical tips on the Twitter addiction. I removed myself from its clutches yesterday.

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Brilliant. Lifesaving. Thank you.

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I would be extremely careful with this idea that you are bringing people to the Church through Twitter or that you are glorifying God through Twitter. The chances of a tweet inspiring someone to take some sort of action instead of just continuing the dopamine loop are so incredibly small that the negatives of contributing to this system far outweigh the potential positives. Twitter thoughts seldom result in actual action, and thoughts / public words don't Glorify God, blessed actions do. If you want to tap into the positive potential of the internet, make art or write a book. Tweets are worthless at best and pride/prelest fodder at worst, they do not bring people to the Church or glorify God.

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Thanks for the comment, I mostly agree with you. However, I don’t assume I am bringing people to the Church by my own individual efforts simply by tweeting. Many have reached out to me privately and told me that my content has contributed to their interest in going to an Orthodox Church and inquiring into the faith. As I said in the article, I myself was guided into Orthodoxy through social platforms like Discord and Twitter, it wasn’t any particular individual’s tweets or messages but it was the collaboration of content itself that a group of individuals were sharing which compelled me to take action.

I also accept that may be completely wrong in this approach and it’s quite possible I follow up to this article in a few months admitting I was wrong. I did acknowledge this attempt to create hacks to make twitter beneficial is a “last ditch effort”.

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The only words that glorify God are found in prayer or writings of the Church Fathers, but neither of those things use a public dopamine loop platform.

I should add that overall this is a good article, I just wanted to add this caveat that I don't see a lot of online Orthodox considering.

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Fair enough. Thanks for reading

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