The Climate Hoax is Spreading Like Wildfire
"Building back better" with geoengineering.
A thick orange smog blankets the atmosphere with the sky dimly lit by a blood red moon. The smell of the smog is both foreign and familiar like a campfire burning strange chemicals. What if the sky never cleared up again? Think about how easily this could become a reality. What would it look like?
There would be no warning, no public service announcements declaring this would be the last day to enjoy clean air and clear skies. Masks and air purifiers would be selling out as panic rises with the prices. The authorities would be advising us to stay inside because the air is too dangerous to breathe. This would all just happen overnight. In the present day where there seems to be no boundary between reality and dystopian fantasy, this is exactly what happened.
But it is also strikingly familiar and immediately perks up the ears of any active pattern noticer. This whole model was tested in 2020 with the plandemic. Practically, a climate crisis would be handled the same exact way. The main difference being that a virus is invisible while climate disaster is sensory. If covid was a kind of global compliance test, how much more effective will a climate crisis be, where the population is undeniably experiencing its effects with all their senses?
In this next phase of climate lockdowns, there would be no need to convince people that they are a danger to each other. If you go outside into the visibly hazardous smog, you are simply a danger to yourself. This time, any conspiracy theories would be met with even greater ridicule and be seen as much less of a threat because they are only endangering themselves. “Ok stupid conspirtard, if you wanna go outside and die, go ahead.”
Anyone who’s been following the WEF agenda knows that their planning for global climate lockdowns has been underway for years now. This can be seen in the testing of 15-minute cities, an urban planning concept which places all daily living necessities within a 15 minute walk from any point in the city.1 It is all to promote the globalist concept of salvation through “sustainability”. This plan has the backing of academics and architects and much like covid, there will be nothing you can do to stop them from “building back better”.
In fact, 15-minute cities are already being tested by city planners on every continent around the world, all prompted by covid. The WEF meme of these global emergencies being the “new normal” was not just referring to the shift towards a permanent state of pandemic, but a constant series of global crises, laying the groundwork for fourth Industrial Revolution.
The underlying philosophy of this global agenda is that the earth is full of uncontrollable hazardous dangers around every corner and at any moment, environmental catastrophe could occur. To be clear, I am not making a case that the wildfire smoke is not actually hazardous. It probably is, I know that it has been physically bothering me for the past couple days. But if there weren’t a real hazard, there wouldn’t be justification for lockdowns and 15 minute cities.
What I am comfortable making a case for, is that these wildfires are not so coincidentally getting out of control in a post covid world. Here are some evidence based reasons with sources for how these wildfires are caused by humans, blamed on the climate change hoax and possibly for the purpose of terraforming a more “sustainable” future: