Interesting article, X symbol is also connected to Osiris and Crowley.


You talk about X symbolising integration of divine masculine and feminine energies. I wonder if this is why the twitter change happened now when Barbie and Oppenheimer have been released on the same day.

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Very interesting I always wondered about especially the Meta logo

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Musk is controlled opposition and technocratic control grid distopian, no doubt. Anyone old enough to remember when Bill Gates was anti-establishment?

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You left out the Gebo rune, Odin’s rune, which is an X. It literally means “gift”, and it represents love and the social grease of gifts. If you receive a gift, you must repay it in kind. Ancient Norse/Germanic cultures were gift-based, not money based--a big reason this rune was so important. This rune is about the power of love. But I seriously doubt there is any love in Musk. He’s after power. This rune might bite him--Odin is not fond of the power-hungry, as evidenced by this rune. Power without love is destructive--one of the subtle underlying meanings of Odin’s rune.

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Very helpful to get summed up insight like this, sharing on other platforms.

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