I doubt they’re going to go full lockdown like last time. My suspicion is they’re doing this as a test to figure out how sheepish the population is... before unrolling something really insane (like aliens).

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Yeah I’m thinking it’s a compliance test as well, but it gets riskier every time they cry wolf they lose compliance

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I can't stand daily mail lol.

If it does drop there might be more push back then last time but I wont' be surprised if most go along with it still.

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Why are they doing it? Because they already have the playbook written and rehearsed and worked last time. Hollywood isnt the only cabal coterie that continues to try sequels even after they've lost steam.

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Virus is Latin for poison. Our understanding of Virus is like a microbes but smaller? That is totally mistaken. If you put some microbes, they will multiply. On the other hand if you put poison jar it will NEVER become 2 jars.

You can kill microbes with antibiotics. Virus cannot be killed first because it is not alive, and second because our cells will destroy it.

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To those who don't believe that one man can change the world, consider what happened after one man in a Wuhan wet market decided to eat bat soup...

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