Psychic Soldiers in the Aerial Realm of Demons
How the U.S. military is using out-of-body experiences to gather foreign intel
Despite having one of the most powerful military arsenals in the world, the United States military has actively turned to the occult and opened a gateway to the aerial realm. During the Vietnam war, soldiers had unsuccessfully used witching rods to locate underground Vietcong tunnels.1 Since then, psychic soldiers have successfully been gathering key intel from deep within Russian territories through astral traveling and remote viewing, according to declassified intelligence reports.
While Fr. Seraphim Rose was writing his 1980 classic "The Soul After Death", a book uncovering the mysteries of psychic experiences in the spirit realm, the newly established Monroe Institute was facilitating out-of-body research along with a number of popular books being published on the subject. Within just two decades of eastern mysticism and occult practices infiltrating universities and pop culture, direct access to the spirit realm was patented and productized by Monroe Institute founder Robert Monroe, with his brain hemisphere synchronization technique dubbed "Hemi-Sync".
It was the techniques Monroe developed with Hemi-Sync that enabled him to enter these altered states of consciousness at will. These techniques are described in great detail in a U.S. Army intelligence report titled "Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process", which reveals some shocking findings that attest to dangerous and sobering spiritual truths. The report was quietly declassified in 2003 and conducted in 1983 by Army Commander Wayne M. McDonnell, who states in the introduction that he "found it necessary to use physics to bring the whole phenomenon of out-of-body states into the language of physical science to remove the stigma of its occult connotations".
Behind the scenes, the U.S. military commissioned The Monroe Institute to send officers there for out-of-body experience training. Considering the then classified Gateway Process report had been written only 3 years after St. Herman's Press published “The Soul After Death”, it is doubtful Fr. Seraphim could have imagined this phenomena was being weaponized by the U.S military in an ongoing psychic intelligence program.
Monroe himself was a very successful American business executive credited for popularizing the term "out-of-body experience" in his book "Journeys Out of the Body". In the book, he wrote about his experiences with astral projection and described the spirit world as having three "locales".
Locale I: The "here and now"
Locale II: Non-material
Locale III: The "astral plane"
This book also documents several encounters Monroe had with "non-physical entities" during his out-of-body experiences. "In the area seemingly "closest" to the material world", Fr. Seraphim writes, "[Monroe] encountered a gray-black area populated by "nibbling and tormenting beings"; this, he thinks, may be the "border of hell", rather like the "Hades" region".2
There is even a separate account that Monroe recalls of himself encountering who he believed to be the "God" of his idea of heaven, which occurs in "Locale II". He describes everyone automatically falling prostrate before this entity as it passes through calmly. In reality, what Monroe described as the "Locales", is the aerial realm of fallen spirits. According to Fr. Seraphim Rose, "[Monroe] described his experiences in a straightforward, non-occult language that makes his book a persuasive warning against the "experiments" in this realm".3
On the contrary, the 29 page analysis of the Gateway process is full of the kind of pseudoscientific jargon you'd expect of an academic attempt to materialistically describe transcendental meditation, biofeedback and hypnosis. It synthesizes theoretical physics and neuroscience to describe brain hemisphere synchronization techniques involving holograms, lamps, lasers, and the most successful technique known as Frequency Following Response (FFR) which involves binaural beat frequencies during sleep states.
The techniques outlined in the Gateway process have recently been discovered by a number of YouTubers and Redditors experiencing mixed results, ranging from being too distracted to enter a deep enough meditative state to unlocking direct access to the spirit world. The effectiveness of the language and techniques used to explain and access the noetic realm with physical science is irrelevant. The truth is, this experience is nothing new at all; it is just the modern implementation of it.
Fr. Seraphim Rose reminds us, "as Orthodox Christian observers, we do not need to know how much of [Monroe's] experience was "real" and how much was a result of spectacles and illusions engineered for him by fallen spirits; deception is so much a part of the aerial realm that there is no point in even trying to unravel its precise forms.”4
Regardless, the Gateway process is seemingly effective enough that it caught mainstream attention. In a front page article of the Wall Street Journal, the head of the Zen Buddhist temple in Vancouver is quoted saying that "Gateway students can reach meditation states in a week that took [me] 30 years of sitting".5 Studies have shown that "a subject "with 20 years of training in Zen meditation could consistently establish Hemi-Sync at will, sustaining it for over 15 minutes".6
McDonnell adds in his intelligence report that he sought out expert insights on the various techniques used to induce altered states of consciousness. One expert being Itzak Bentov, a renown scientist and mystic Kabbalist who joined the science corps of the Israeli Defense Forces one month before Israel declared statehood in 1948. The second was Monroe himself.
A secret unit of the U.S. Army called the Stargate Project invested $20 million into an investigation of the military’s use of psychic phenomena for remote viewing to gather Russian intelligence. While stationed in the continental U.S., remote viewers are able to spy on top secret bases deep in the Russian tundra through astral projection. These psychic soldiers are said to be able to know the results of a nuclear test with pinpoint accuracy before they occur.
The most well known paranormal spy being former U.S. Army Officer Joe McMonaegal, a remote viewing trainer at the Monroe Institute among the first personnel recruited for the Stargate Project. In 1979, McMonaegal was called in by the CIA to spy on a Russian manufacturing facility which, at that time, was the largest building under one roof in the world.
The story is that McMonaegle was given only map coordinates by the National Security Council to test how accurate his viewing was. After he was able to identify the building remotely, he was then given a photo of the building. Within a few days of viewing the photo, he was able to identify the largest submarine in the world with full specifications, down to the welding methods used. It was described as a new classification of sub that could fire nuclear missiles on command while moving. His report was dismissed by the commander of U.S intelligence after being assessed by engineers. So McMonaegle doubled down. He went into a meditative state and was able to pinpoint the exact launch date, to which he replied to the NSC, "you'll see in 112 days". The Reconnaissance Office confirmed with a satellite that the alleged nuclear sub had been deployed into a canal they built.7
McMoneagal himself said that remote viewing only produces accurate readings about 50% of the time. But as Fr. Seraphim warned us, we should not take any of these accounts at face value since the aerial realm in which these astral travelers are exploring is full of demonic deceptions. Thus, remote viewing should really be understood simply as one’s observations while under strong demonic influence. If there are any truths to these experiences, they are clouded with so much delusion that it is a pointless effort to figure out. Instead we should look to the Scriptures and 2000 year continuity of Church writings on the afterlife. But we do know that such instances are possible from the consistency of both secular and Orthodox accounts describing out-of-body experiences.
Fr. Seraphim recalls a number of stories in Dr. Raymond Moody's popular book Life After Life, which is largely responsible for bringing this occult knowledge to mainstream interest. Many describe first hand accounts of their near death experiences where events and conversations that occurred around their body are recalled in great detail while they are clinically dead. In one near death experience, a blind man describes the appearance of the people in the room where he dies with incredible accuracy down to what types of shoes they are wearing. Then he returns to his blind state as he is resuscitated.
As you have probably noticed, the language of these out-of-body experience programs, all refer to altered states of consciousness as "gates" into the unseen realm. St. Ignatius (Brianchanoinov) warns us, "from the quoted places of Sacred Scripture it is clear that the bodily organs serve as it were as doors and gates into the inner chamber where the soul is, and that these gates are opened and closed at the command of God." This is referred to in the Biblical language as the "opening of the senses".
Since the 1960’s the out-of-body experience has been weaponized by the largest military force in the world. The integration of these occult practices into mainstream culture is underway and is surely a sign of the end of the age. It is not enough to say entry into the aerial realm of fallen spirits is dangerous. It is inviting an unfailing onslaught of incomprehensible deceptions upon oneself to the point of damnation. It is also entering into communion with the demons who have led countless Christians to perdition though their deceptive power.
In The Soul After Death, Fr. Seraphim made sure to reference the following quote by Bishop Ignatius multiple times as a constant reminder to his readers. I would be doing his work a disservice if I did not do so myself.
“The correct, lawful entry into the world of spirits is provided only by the doctrine and practice of Christian struggle. All other means are unlawful and must be renounced as worthless and ruinous".8
—St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)
War Is Boring. 2016. “American Troops Tried to Find Viet Cong Tunnels Using Witching Rods.” War Is Boring. May 31, 2016. https://warisboring.com/american-troops-tried-to-find-viet-cong-tunnels-using-witching-rods/.
Rose, Fr Seraphim. 1980. The Soul After Death . 5th edition, 2020. Platina, Calif: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood. p.108
Ibid., p.111
Ibid., p.111
Bob Ortega, "Research institute shows people a way out of their bodies", The Wall Street Journal , September 20, 1994, pp. A1, A8.
McDonnell, Wayne, M. 1983. “Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Process.” The Monroe Institute Archives, U.S. Dept of Defense. https://archive.org/details/1983-analysis-of-gateway-process/1983%20Analysis%20and%20Assessment%20of%20Gateway%20Process
Shawn Ryan Clips, dir. 2023. Real-Life Psychic and Remote Viewer #1 for the CIA: Joe McMoneagle.
Brianchaninov, Bishop Ignatius, Collected Works, vol. 3, Tuzov ed., St. Petersburg, 1883. p.24
wicca, reiki, this....all just inviting demons to anally rape your soul....pass
The Orthodox Church does not deny the occult, the very opposite is true. Seraphim Rose is becoming a saint, and the idea of anyone being undesirable to the Church is absolute nonsense. Stick with the demonic, since your ignorance of the Church is embarrassing.